Carol Tobias
National Right to Life
Thank you for visiting the Human Life Washington website. Our role is critical to restoring a culture of life and ending abortion throughout the state of Washington.
We’re dedicated to encouraging, educating, and supporting all those who recognize the right to life. We invite you to browse our website to learn more about what we’re all about.
Our work is made possible entirely by donations – thank you for your generous support.
Esther Ripplinger
Human Life Washington
We advocate for the helpless unborn, for our elders, for women, and for families through practical assistance, education, networking with charities, and legislative action.
We serve, unify, and support the pro-life community in Washington as the premier consultants on the life issue, functioning as the hub of the pro-life movement in Washington state.
Do you think you might be pregnant or aren’t sure? Pregnancy symptoms vary among women.
If you’ve taken the first dose of an abortion pill and regret your decision, it may not be too late! Get medical assistance from our partners!
Watch a replay of our first live webcast, “Empower Women to Choose Life”, also available on our YouTube channel.
We protect human life from conception to natural death. We do this through advocacy, education and training.
Get educated on various topics ranging from abortion to end-of-life through our Youtube Channel!
Subscribe to our channel to be notified when we post new content.
Do you have feelings of guilt and sadness after an abortion? You are not alone. We can help. Hear the testimony of StandUpGirl’s Becky as she talks about her own journey through pain to healing and recovery. Find compassionate counseling through state and local resources.