

My friends,

It is with great joy that I tell you that we not only hit the signature goal for Referendum 90 – we blew it out of the water!

We needed 129,181 signatures.

We got 266,000!

I’ve been told that’s the most ever collected for a Referendum in Washington State’s history… and we did it all during Coronavirus!

That’s right! You, me, the other signatories, all of us accomplished a record-breaking physical signature collection during a time of lockdown when people are supposed to be avoiding human contact!

In a time when it feels like things are spiraling out of control, we have shown each other that we have more control than we think!

The fight certainly isn’t over. We’ll still have to vote on Referendum 90 in November, and we’ll have to be mindful during the state elections so that we can prevent something like this coming up again. The Human Life of Washington Political Action Committee will certainly have a lot of work to do in the following months.

Still, this is a tremendous victory, and we deserve to celebrate!

While it’s unfortunate that we cannot physically congregate to laud our victory, I think that we can still come together from our respective states of lockdown and share each other’s joy.

After all, if we won a victory together while physically separated, celebrating that victory shouldn’t be too tall an order.

We are honored to have stood as a part of the coalition effort to get this petition on the ballot. It was not the effort of a single entity that carried the day, but a proud alliance of worthies from all across the state.

So many people have contributed to this victory that it would be impossible to give them all the thanks they deserve, but we would like to thank the official members of the coalition by name:

Parents for Safe Schools, Informed Parents of Washington, Family Policy Institute of Washington, Healing the Culture, Washington State Republican Party, My Family My Choice, the State House and Senate Republican Caucuses, Parents’ Rights in Education, and Students for Life of America.

We also know that there are many who preferred to remain anonymous, but who were still central to our success.
Thank you to our fellow coalition members, and to all organizations and individuals who proudly stood by us, whose names are too numerous to list here.

And, above all, thanks to all of you, without whom this victory would have been impossible!

I’d like to close with a word of congratulations and gratitude from our Executive Director, Esther Ripplinger:

“This is a happy day for our coalition, and a NEW DAY for the Pro-Life Movement in Washington! Everyone pitched in what they could, and we all worked together for good. Indeed, it exemplifies our slogan: “One Powerful Voice Uniting for Life.” I’m very proud of the organizers, their vision, tenacity, and resolve to defend our children. Equally, I am proud of the tens of thousands of bold Washingtonians who stepped up to the plate and stood for life. We have set a new precedent! Bravo to all!”

Bravo, indeed, to all of us.

From all us here at Human Life of Washington, stay safe, stay healthy, and thank you!