Stop Same-Day Death

Stop Same-Day Death

Dear Friends,

HB 1141 waives the existing 15-day waiting period for Assisted Suicide and instead makes it a 72-hour waiting period – just 3 days. Even those 3 days can be waived.

This means that any bad day could be someone’s last. No chance to reconsider. No choice once it’s made. 

We know that not everyone agrees with our stance against Assisted Suicide, but we think that, at minimumit is reasonable to say that such an irreversible decision should have mandatory time for consideration.  

  • Did you know that, of people who wanted to die by Assisted Suicide in Canada, 60%-70% changed their minds? (see The Lancet and The New York Times)
  • Did you know that, during this time of lockdown with an overtaxed mailing system and many packages being stolen, HB 1141 would allow these lethal drugs to be sent through the mail?
  • Did you know that HB 1141 removes many oversight measures for the people who prescribe the lethal doses while also lowering the required qualifications for the prescribers? 

HB 1141 is an irresponsible billAssisted Suicide is already an easy avenue for the exploitation of vulnerable populations – particularly the ill, the depressed, and the elderly. HB 1141 just makes it worse.

Please contact your House Representatives and the House Health & Wellness Committee Members and tell them to oppose HB 1141. Even putting aside our opposition to Assisted Suicide, HB 1141 is simply a bad bill. 

You can find House Member contact information at this link. They keep tallies of people who contact them on any legislation, so it makes a difference.

If you’re going to write and aren’t sure what to say, we have also included a basic script in the attachments for your use. The most important ones to contact are Health & Wellness Committee Members and your own Representatives. Not sure who yours are? You can find them by searching your district here.

Thank you for standing with us for the health and safety of our neighbors.