22 Jun A Personal Message: Someone Special is Missing
Originally aired Dec. 16, 2021
Truth Teller Series
Thankfully, after years (nearly twenty) of my own healing journey through pregnancy loss, I know how to process my feelings when triggers show up. For me, it usually comes during the holidays. The sting is far less intense or often than in the past. The healing journey compares to an onion with its many layers. Compassion is paramount, as everyone grieves differently.
I think of mothers and daughters washing dishes together, as a traditional activity after holiday meals. Sadly, my daughter never saw the light of day. She is not with me so I do dishes alone. I actually enjoy dishes, but my point is I still miss her in my own way during those times. Now, it has become a beautiful time, as only God can do, because he has healed me from that pain.
At any rate, I can identify with holiday blues that women often feel, perhaps during family gatherings and photos, as they too realize someone special is missing.
Our friends at SaveOne present this Truth Teller series very well. (7: min)
Did you know?
Half of the women considering abortion have already had one. But when she is healed, she chooses life for her next unborn baby.
With your support:
We at HLW, will fill the shortage in Washington of abortion recovery peer-counselors to ensure that everyone who wants healing can reach out and get immediate support. We are unifying all the ministries to build a synergistic team who work together in real time when a caller asks for help.
HLW will provide churches with the tools they needto effectively communicate compassion in action. Forgiveness is only one part, but healing is a separate matter.
It is an honor to partner with you. Together, we will work smarter, change more hearts, and save more lives.
Blessings to you and yours!
Esther Ripplinger