22 Jun KNOW THE TRUTH: Justice for the Five
Posted at 18:43h
in Public
Originally aired April 14, 2022
It is a dark day when people who expose an injustice are treated more harshly than the perpetrators of that injustice. Yet that is how much of the media and many government officials have treated the women who exposed a great tragedy in Washington D.C.
Since you will likely hear a lot of disinformation about this tragic event – and since you may hear friends and coworkers unknowingly repeating these falsehoods – it’s important that you know the truth so you can educate people. Please know this is a grim topic, but, since it cannot be ignored, we can at least be prepared.
This email will, by necessity, be longer than typical emails because the story is complicated and there are many deliberate lies being told about it. Still, I tried to make it as brief as possible under the circumstances.
I know you want to disprove lies and believe the truth. There will be links which go into greater detail, and directions on what actions you can take to spread the truth and advocate for justice.
What Happened
On March 25th, Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy, leaders of the left-leaning pro-life advocacy group PAAU (Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising), were at a D.C. abortion center called the ‘Washington Surgi-Center’ to do peaceful pro-life activism. PAAU cares deeply about human rights, and uses non-violent methods to oppose abortion in the name of protecting the equal rights of pre-born humans.
While at the center, they saw a truck from Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services parked at the facility. Realizing the driver was collecting boxes from the Surgi-Center, they asked the driver if he knew what was in the boxes. He didn’t, and they told him it was aborted babies. He was horrified. They asked him if they could take one of the boxes so they could give the children a funeral and a proper burial. PAAU and many other groups make an effort to give funerals for aborted children so as to show them dignity after having died so violently. The driver agreed and allowed them to take one of the boxes.
Content Advisory: In this email I give non-graphic details while still giving the facts, though the story itself is distressing. For those who want to know more details, this email will provide links. I advise prudential judgment whether or not to expose yourself to these graphic details, in particular if you have suffered a pregnancy loss or are post-abortive.
If you are suffering from the grief of pregnancy loss, SRT Services provides help and healing (https://srtservices.org/misanon). They also provide other help for people suffering Sexually-Related Trauma, including past abortions. Our website has further links on non-judgmental support and healing after the trauma of abortions (https://humanlifewa.org/abortion-recovery/).
(Sign the Petition for an Investigation here)
The Victims
Terrisa and Lauren called a deacon to be present when opening the box. With him there, they opened the box and discovered a horrifying sight: 110 small containers with the bodies of aborted earlier-term babies inside, and 5 larger containers with late-term children.
These five were old enough to have survived outside the womb.
At least one of these five – whom they named Harriet – showed signs of being killed by a D&X abortion procedure, more commonly known as partial-birth abortion. D&X abortions are illegal by federal law, and are opposed by most of the country, including most self-described pro-choice people, because they are so heinous.
It is possible that some of the children who were more intact were killed after being delivered, an act of infanticide. This is most likely true, as a 2013 Live Action undercover investigation into the abortionist Cesare Santangelo – who almost certainly performed these abortions – found that his method of killing preborn babies does not involve use of an injected feticide (a fact he brags about). Instead, he cuts the umbilical cord and waits for the child to die by cardiac arrest.
He has stated that if a child survived an abortion at his facility, he and his staff “would not help it” to ensure survival. This is infanticide and, like partial-birth abortion, it is – quite rightly – illegal.
It’s worth nothing that Cesare Santangelo is responsible for the gruesome death of one of the women on whom he performed an abortion, and yet he still operates. (His dangerous practices are elaborated on in this video interview between Equal Rights Institute and PAAU; viewer discretion is advised).
(Sign the Petition for an Investigation here)
Showing Respect and Seeking Justice
Cooperating with funeral services and legal advisors, Terrisa and Lauren arranged a funeral mass for the 110. Meanwhile, they sought an independent pathologist who could confirm how the other 5 died; when one could not be reached, they contacted D.C. police directly and made private arrangements for the 5 to be recovered while calling for an investigation.
Lies, Corruption, and Cover-Up
Despite the clear evidence of misconduct by the Surgi-Center – including testimony of many medical professionals saying the evidence of infanticide demands further inquiry – the D.C. Police Department dismissed the possibility that these viable babies were killed illegally, despite the fact that no investigation or autopsies had been performed, and despite Santangelo’s admission that he would not provide life-saving care to abortion survivors in accordance with the law.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has likewise claimed that there was no wrongdoing on the Surgi-Center’s part and has, so far, not listened to the calls for an autopsy or investigation.
Instead, she has accused Terrisa and Lauren of “tampering with the remains” and called for an investigation of them.
Many within the media have outright lied about the situation as well, claiming the FBI raided Lauren Handy’s apartment and “discovered” the remains, despite the fact that the FBI never entered her apartment, and ignoring the fact that Lauren and Terrisa were the ones who contacted the police about the bodies and asked them to come investigate.
(You can also call for an investigation at this link).
While it is true that Lauren Handy was arrested by the FBI along with nine others, it was for a different and unrelated peaceful protest which occurred 2 years ago. These and many other bare-faced lies surround the narrative.
Others have accused Terrisa and Lauren of stealing the remains from another location – for which there is no evidence – as part of a “stunt,” or of keeping them as “trophies,” as well as other accusations so grim that I won’t even put them here; the ERI interview elaborates on these (and debunks them) in the latter section.
Meanwhile, it has been revealed that Curtis Bay Energy – who is contracted with the Surgi-Center – burns medical waste for electricity for the Baltimore area. Because the Curtis Bay Energy truck was picking up medical “waste” that was actually the bodies of aborted babies, the company now stands accused of burning human beings to create energy.
However, Curtis Bay has not only categorically denied burning fetal remains, they have also claimed that the box was never taken by the women and instead reached their facility. This is contradicted by photos, videos, testimonies, the logos stamped on the box that contained the babies’ bodies, as well as on other boxes on the scene outside of Washington Surgi-Clinic. (The driver who allowed this atrocity to be uncovered is likely fired, but PAAU supporters have come forward to offer financial aid and employment to him if he wishes it in recognition of his courage).
In summation, powerful people in government and major corporations are covering up many illegal and disturbing actions, including: infanticide, partial birth abortions, and the burning of human bodies for energy. Rather than investigating, they are falsely accusing the witnesses of wrongdoing with absolutely zero evidence, and the media are lying – frequently and loudly – about what really happened.
Skewed Priorities
Let us assume for the sake of argument that Terrisa and Lauren did something illegal in this (to be clear, I am not saying they did; I’m just stating it as a hypothetical). Even if taking the box was illegal – which I’m not certain it was – they took it in order to show dignity to dead babies who were going to be incinerated for energy. They treated the bodies with utmost respect and, when they found evidence of criminal actions, they reported it to the police and called for an immediate investigation.
Let us assume – again, for the sake of argument – that they could perhaps be charged with theft. I ask you: what’s the greater crime? Theft (with the intent to expose wrongdoing and give respectful burials to dead children), or killing helpless newborns, committing partial birth abortions, and burning the bodies?
It’s insane to me that this is even a question. The story sounds like something out of a dystopian novel. Yet it happened. Not only that, but it happened in our nation’s capital.
Simply sickening.
What You Can Do
Like me, you are probably filled with feelings of anger, outrage, grief, and horror at all of this. Anger can be righteous, and I am often reminded of the old saying that “Hope has two beautiful daughters, and their names are anger and courage – anger at the way things are, and courage to change them.”
Yet anger can be easily abused. We have a responsibility to channel it towards creative and productive ends. Just as the Civil Rights Movement and British Abolitionism succeeded by channeling their righteous anger into peaceful, passionate, non-violent action, so too must we take our anger and grief and funnel them into earnest calls for justice, effective advocacy, and peaceful witness.
Slavery in England was ended because abolitionists taught their fellow Englishmen of the true horror of slavery, leading to a national change of heart and widespread calls to end the wicked practice. MLK’s brand of the Civil Rights Movement succeeded because of their powerful and peaceful witness in the face of injustice.
We must use our horror and grief sensibly, leveraging them into effective advocacy to change minds and hearts and make abortion unthinkable. Here are some ways you can do that:
1. You can demand justice. Thousands of petitioners are demanding an investigation. There needs to be an autopsy, and if there was a crime – as seems nearly certain – there should be just consequences for it. Sign the petition here: https://actnow.io/qQOiel8?resetcookie=1
2. You can know the facts of the case. With all the lies being spread, it’s very likely someone you know will hear false stories and believe them. Know what happened, and know the sources for clear information.
- This LiveAction article provides a detailed, day-by-day summary of the events; it also provides greater detail on the victims https://www.liveaction.org/news/justice-five-facts-discovery-aborted-babies-dc/
- This LiveAction Article focuses directly on the victims and as such is more detailed https://www.liveaction.org/news/five-babies-killed-dc-abortionist/
- This ERI interview with PAAU – referenced earlier – contains a detailed overview of the events, answers to commonly asked questions, and various insights into the misinformation and outright lies surrounding the event. It allows you to hear from the two women directly and hear them in their own words. This contains the video of the bodies being uncovered, with ample warning and time markers leading up to it; viewer discretion is strongly advised. It is very graphic, and among the most heinous images of the aftermath of abortion one can see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8uDzYhrvXY
- This Press Conference details the grim details following the tragedy. It contains the video of the opening of the containers of the deceased at the end. Again, viewer discretion is strongly advised. It is very graphic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZDMBF0tHWI
3. Be prepared to share the truth with your friends if it comes up. Please note that most pro-choice people strongly oppose partial-birth abortions and infanticide, and support born-alive protection acts to prevent infanticide. So, if you can help clarify the truth, many pro-choice people will likely support an investigation. Here are some tips to be effective.
- Remember that, if they believe the lies, Terrisa and Lauren seem like the villains; don’t shout or argue, just correct the misconception calmly and with tact.
- When correcting, ask clarifying questions, like “What did you hear?” “How do you feel about that?” “How would you feel if something else was going on?” Respond to the lies they’ve been told and the assumptions they’ve made, not what you assume they think.
- Encourage them to analyze what they’ve heard – for example, “When I heard this story I looked into PAAU. They believe that unborn humans are people and consider themselves essentially civil rights advocates. Why would people who believe they’re standing up for vulnerable people keep their bodies as trophies like the news claimed?” or, “I’ve spent some time looking into this, and I’ve seen no evidence they stole the bodies from elsewhere, and a lot of evidence to suggest what they say is true. Plus, they’re the ones calling for an investigation; they called the police. Why would they do that if they were the guilty party? Doesn’t it seem more likely that the people who don’t want an investigation are the ones with something to hide?” Incidentally, PAAU is very left-leaning on many social issues, so the common accusation of ‘right-wing virtue signally pro-lifers’ (which is false in itself, but that’s a story for another time) doesn’t apply here.
- Present the facts. For example: “I’ve actually spent a lot of time looking into this, and I’ve discovered that the common narrative got a lot of things wrong. Those two women were the ones who called the police and reported the babies and called for an investigation. The FBI didn’t ‘raid’ the apartment. They never even entered it, and the thing they arrested Lauren for was a peaceful protest in 2020 that had nothing to do with this. All evidence we currently have points to PAAU telling the truth and, again, they were the ones who reported it in the first place before police or FBI were ever involved. Whatever the case, an investigation would reveal what happened, so I think we should support an immediate investigation so the guilty parties will be punished, whoever they are.”
4. Know that this isn’t the only case of abuse in an abortion facility. The abortion industry is functionally unregulated, and there are many nightmarish stories of criminal and incompetent actions. Reprotection is an organization founded explicitly to expose the immense corruption of the abortion industry and hold them accountable. Learn more at https://www.reprotection.org/
5. If you are suffering from the grief of pregnancy loss, SRT Services provides help and healing (https://srtservices.org/misanon). They also provide other help for people suffering Sexually-Related Trauma, including past abortions. Our website has further links on non-judgmental support and healing after the trauma of abortions,with non-judgmental groups like Support After Abortion, SaveOne, and many more (https://humanlifewa.org/abortion-recovery/).
6. Share this email so the truth may spread.
7. If you are a believer, please, please, please pray. Pray that people may peacefully oppose the violence of abortion, pray that our leaders and law enforcement may uphold the law, pray that the public conscience will be awakened to the truth by the horror of the 115 killed in that center. Pray for your fellow advocates. Pray for the staff at PAAU and all others who directly experienced and now must live with this horror. Pray for the victims of abortion – the children who have been brutally killed, and the mothers and fathers who were deceived into thinking ‘it wasn’t a person’ or ‘they had no choice.’ Pray for the conversion of those in the abortion industry. Pray for business leaders to stop propping the abortion lobby up. Pray that others may have the courage to speak out and the strength to endure. Pray for forgiveness upon our nation and our world. Pray that abortion may become unthinkable, and that we will learn to respect and cherish all human life from womb to tomb.
In Closing
Thank you for reading through until the end. I know this was a grim topic and a long read. Take some time to decompress, and remember that there is always hope. As ugly as this tragedy is, its very ugliness may well wake people up and help us save lives in the long run. Let us show dignity to the dead by taking this lesson to heart and helping their tragedy to speak for the voiceless.
Michael Dumais