22 Jun Special Release: SCOTUS Leaks
Posted at 18:44h
in Public
Originally aired May 3, 2022
You may have heard that an egregious leak from the US Supreme Court suggests that they may overturn Roe v. Wade. Here are the critical takeaways from this leak.
- It’s not over until it’s over. While we certainly hope that the court will overturn Roe – a case so infamously botched that even many pro-choice legal experts consider it a bad SCOTUS decision – it would be unwise to celebrate until it’s final. Right now, the decision is still up in the air.
- The leak was an egregious security breach. There’s been a great deal of speculation about the leak, wondering why it happened, who caused it, and what their motives were. Some have speculated that it was done to deliberately stir up the public. Whatever the truth may be, such a leak is an attack in the integrity of the court, and it should not have been allowed to happen.
- If Roe is overturned, please DO NOT GLOAT. While it would be entirely appropriate to celebrate the overturning of Roe – when that day comes, I will certainly be ecstatic – gloating would be both disrespectful and actively harmful to the pro-abundant life cause.
- Most people who support abortion do so because they do not understand; they have been fed over 50 years of lies and misrepresentation of what abortion is.
- Most think of it as a women’s rights issue and a normal medical procedure, not a violent and gruesome killing of a human person which also harms the mother. Such lies are hard to overcome.
- In order to change their minds, we have to overcome the stereotype of uncaring and judgmental pro-life people, and instead approach them with our true love, compassion, and care for the women they fear will be hurt by outlawing abortion.
- We must share the truth with wisdom and love, and we can’t be heard if we gloat.
- We will continue to help children and their mothers and their fathers.
- Being pro-abundant life is about more than just saving children from abortion; it’s about saving them and helping them grow and thrive and helping their mothers address their underlying challenges, traumas, and hardships that drove them to consider abortion in the first place.
- That’s why there are thousands of free pro-life pregnancy and family centers around the country dedicated to helping children, mothers, fathers, and families; it’s why we have non-judgmental grief and trauma counseling for women and men who have had abortions.
- We will continue helping children and their mothers and fathers even if Roe is overturned.
- Abortion will still be legal in many states, including Washington, if Roe is struck down.
- Overturning Roe would save millions of lives, as many states have laws that would go into effect outlawing or at least reducing abortions, and many would see the overturning of Roe as a strong reason to not have an abortion.
- But many states – like Washington – had legal abortion before Roe. For us, the fight will continue.
- Even when abortion is ultimately outlawed entirely, there will still be a need for services to give women hope, options, and healing when dealing with unwanted pregnancies or the aftermath of abortions.
- We will continue to serve them long after Roe is overturned and after Washington law is finally restored to a life-affirming status.
We are committed to protecting and serving people from womb to tomb. That mission is beyond Roe v Wade, Doe v Bolton, and Dobbs v Jackson. We are grateful for your partnership in serving those in need.
For Life,
Michael Dumais
Human Life of Washington: https://humanlifewa.org/
Pregnancy and Family Services: https://humanlifewa.org/pregnant/
Abortion Recovery Services: https://humanlifewa.org/abortion-recovery/