22 Jun Quick Responses to Pro-Choice Arguments
Posted at 18:49h
in Public
It’s been a while since I’ve sent one of these Defenders emails out, and for that I apologize. Between various internal and external projects – including scripting a new apologetics talk, multiple webcasts and video interviews with pro-life leaders, legislative session, and the recent tragedy in D.C. – I have been quite caught up with numerous other demands on my professional time.
Fortunately, there are many great organizations which specialize in pro-life apologetics. One that I want to highlight today is the Equal Rights Institute, which, in addition to their comprehensive Equipped for Life Course and Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass, has over the past couple of months been producing a series of quick video responses to common pro-choice questions.
The topics covered range from basic scientific questions to questions of personhood and rights to bodily autonomy to even grim cases like abortion in the case of rape. In each case, they give a quick, step-by-step guide to how to respond. These steps include such things as:
- Establishing common ground
- Building rapport so they know you care and can be taken seriously
- Respecting their concerns while clarifying the truth
- Asking clarification questions or making clarification statements to avoid talking past each other
- Sharing the truth through analogy, examples, and evidence in a way that’s respectful, loving, and firm
With the Dobbs v. Jackson case having a very real potential to overturn Roe v Wade and return the abortion debate to the states, it’s very likely that abortion conversations will become more hostile and not less.
Keep in mind that people on the other side of the debate are laboring under over 50 years of carefully calculated lies, cognitive dissonance, and cover-up. Good people are seduced by half a century of convincing falsehoods, and are being misled by powerful organizations. To help them out of their cognitive dissonance, we must not simply communicate the truth, but communicate it with love and understanding. We have to listen, ask clarification questions, understand, and answer with respect.
ERI’s Quick Response series is a magnificent tool for that. You can find it on Youtube at this link.
Now go out there and have good conversations!
ERI Quick Responses: https://youtu.be/xrPVSoNqgSg