About Us

Human Life of Washington

Human Life of Washington promotes the recognition that all human beings are persons endowed with intrinsic dignity and the inalienable right to life, from conception to natural death. We advocate through educational, legislative, and judicial efforts.

As the Washington State affiliate of National Right to Life Committee, the oldest and largest pro-life organization, we are the hub of the pro-life community, exclusively advocating for life, since 1971.

Our chapters throughout Washington state are boots on the ground engaging their local community with visible life-affirming message through a variety of activities.

Our mission is to reestablish, throughout our culture, the recognition that all beings of human origin are persons endowed with intrinsic dignity and the inalienable right to life from conception to natural death. To accomplish this restoration, we use peaceful and lawful means of educating and motivating the human heart.

Life-affirming Options

Whether speaking in various venues, including schools, civic groups, churches, or by staffing booths and conversing with attendees at fairs, our network of chapters, in concert with our state office, serve as a premier resource center on all the life issues.

We offer life-affirming referrals for women with unexpected pregnancies, and direct them to specialists, to social services agencies, and life-affirming non-governmental organizations to assist her with her pregnancy needs regardless of her income level, education, or race. Our chapters engage the community to support these centers through tangible supplies, including diapers and formula, that their clients need.

The Life Issue is Multi-faceted

It not only addresses birth options and abortion, as some may think of our work, but it also encompasses bioethics relating to developments in science, including life-destroying embryonic stem cell research compared to safe and successful adult stem cell research. Whether pharmacists have a right of conscience as it relates to dispensing emergency contraception is our concern as well. End-of-life, or “life-sustaining” treatment is also a topic that where we focus.

We provide guidance to help students, physicians, attorneys, professors, or other professionals, and organizations, effectively navigate the barrage of information available and to assist in crafting accurate and effective responses in any situation regarding the defense of life from conception to natural death.


We defend life through legislative efforts by educating law makers, and we collaborate with other pro-life organizations who share our concerns.

We do media interviews and seek opportunities to educate the public on legislation that affects Washingtonians.

See HLW Pro-Life Legislator Awards 2019!

Core Values

We Never Grow Tired of Doing Good!

As courageous models of love with joy for life, we pursue the hardened heart. Relying on the best available science, we influence hearts and minds to value the dignity of the human person, which saves lives now and for future generations. We outdo each other in kindness.

The Town Square for the Pro-life Community

A state affiliate of National Right to Life Committee Nonpartisan and Nonsectarian

We serve, unify, and support the pro-life community in Washington as the premier consultants on the life issue, functioning as the hub of the pro-life movement in Washington state.

We instruct and model best practices and lessons learned from the history of the pro-life movement.

As courageous models of love with joy for life, pursuing the hardened heart, relying on the best available science, we influence hearts and minds to value the dignity of the human person, which saves lives now and for future generations.

Policy of Peace

Human Life of Washington has had long-standing opposition to the use of force, intimidation, and violence by any person pursuing pro-life activities.

Our commitment to the well-being of all human life requires that we respect the inherent value and dignity of all people. Just as we condemn abortion and euthanasia, we oppose private acts that take human life, inflict bodily harm, or destroy another’s property. No board member, officer, employee, or chapter officer may participate in any illegal or harmful act against another person or property in pursuing pro-life activity.

No Graphic Images

The truth is, abortion has a visually graphic side which betrays its horrible and gruesome reality. While disturbing images of aborted human children can occasionally elicit sympathy, these images more frequently evoke anger, aggression, hostility, and sometimes even violence. HUMAN LIFE of Washington finds these reactions to be counterproductive to its primary mission of conversion through respectful dialogue and education.

Our Policy

Human Life of Washington will not knowingly do business with any organization or business which endorses violence in any way toward pro-abortion persons or businesses.

Our History

Attorney Ken VanDerhoef, who made the opening brief at the Supreme Court for Roe v. Wade, was instrumental in the founding of Human Life of Washington.

In 1968, Ken VanDerhoef wrote and filed the articles of incorporation for the National Right to Life Committee. In 1971, Mr. VanDerhoef launched the local affiliate of NLRC, Human Life. The “Classic Silhouettes”, pictured to the left, were used in the initial logo. A trademark was later issued for those Silhouettes in 1976.



Q: How can I be more involved?

A: Awareness is the first step. What to do with your concern and passion the next. We can help you. Here are ways to get involved:

  1. Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. In this publication, we will highlight the various pieces of the pro-life community which all work together for a common cause. All the parts of the pro-life community doing different tasks all work together, so we serve you as a hub to connect you to where you may best serve the Movement.
  2. Keep revisiting www.humanlifewa.org because we will be constantly adding new information to help you do what you do best within the pro-life community. The more we are connected, the stronger our united forces will be.
  3. If you are a pastor, or know of a pastor, we have tools especially for this group. Please reach out in this way. For more information: esther@humanlifewa.org.
  4. Contact one of our local chapters. Our local chapters engage their local communities to support local pregnancy support centers. They befriend the staff, find out their needs, and support them by engaging their local communities to find solutions for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Perhaps you can connect other people to them as well. Who do you know?
  5. Don’t see a chapter near you? You can start one! It’s easy. It’s best to be a co-leader. Who do you know? Contact: esther@humanlifewa.org.
  6. Invite a speaker; host a small gathering at your home, or other location. Many pro-life businesses have offered the use of their spaces for such events.* For more information, contact: karen@humanlifewa.org.
  7. Know of any pro-life businesses who you can ask to partner with us?* Help us spread the word that the pro-life community is joining forces now more than ever. Defending life is a battle like none other, and it is underfunded and under attack, so the time has come for “all hands on deck.” Who do you know?

Q: Is Human Life of Washington affiliated with a Church?

A: Human Life of Washington is non-sectarian. We unite under the banner of life.

Q: When do you have meetings?

A: Each of our Chapters located around the state maintain their own scheduled meeting times. For more information, contact a chapter leader. If there is no Chapter for your area, contact esther@humanlifewa.org.

Q: Why do you only focus on abortion? What about helping women who might be in need of diapers?

A: We partner with pro-life organizations serving in various areas of specialty, including direct contact with women facing unplanned pregnancies. There are many parts which comprise building a culture of life. Human Life of Washington (HLW) advocates for the vulnerable from conception all the way to natural death. Defending human life from its threats include bioscience, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.

Q: Why do you only care about pro-life and not poverty and homelessness?

A: To put issues like taxes, education policy or economic growth before the most basic protection of human life is ethically questionable. For more information: Priority issue voting is critical, especially for the unborn.