
Friends, It's been a while since I've sent one of these Defenders emails out, and for that I apologize. Between various internal and external projects - including scripting a new apologetics talk, multiple webcasts and video interviews with pro-life leaders, legislative session, and the recent tragedy...

Originally aired June 13, 2022 Friends, After roughly half a century, it’s looking increasingly likely that Roe v Wade will be overturned by the Dobbs decision. If and when that does happen – and it could happen any day – here are five tips for what to do (and what...

Originally aired May 28, 2022   Friends, Have you ever found yourself having to unexpectedly defend the pro-life position from a hostile friend, family member, or even stranger? If you've ever been caught off-guard by a pro-choice argument that you weren't sure how to answer - or if the...

Originally aired May 26, 2022 I’m blessed to be an uncle many times over. I have many nieces and nephews of various ages, and their presence in my life has been the source of much joy and personal growth. At the time of this writing, I know...

Originally aired May 3, 2022   Friends, You may have heard that an egregious leak from the US Supreme Court suggests that they may overturn Roe v. Wade. Here are the critical takeaways from this leak. It’s not over until it’s over. While we certainly hope that the...

Originally aired April 14, 2022 Friends, It is a dark day when people who expose an injustice are treated more harshly than the perpetrators of that injustice. Yet that is how much of the media and many government officials have treated the women who exposed a great...

Originally aired Feb. 28, 2021   Friends, It's refreshing to be able to share yet more good news with you on the legislative front! This victory was on the national level, where members of the Senate defeated a dangerous abortion-on-demand-without-limits bill.  This bill was so far over the line of...

Post originally aired Dec. 10, 2021 On International Human Rights Day, National Right to Life and Human Life of Washington Remind the United Nations that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Protects the Rights of the Unborn Child; It Does Not Protect Abortion WASHINGTON – Today, the National Right...