
Originally aired Feb. 28, 2021   Friends, It's refreshing to be able to share yet more good news with you on the legislative front! This victory was on the national level, where members of the Senate defeated a dangerous abortion-on-demand-without-limits bill.  This bill was so far over the line of...

Post originally aired Dec. 10, 2021 On International Human Rights Day, National Right to Life and Human Life of Washington Remind the United Nations that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Protects the Rights of the Unborn Child; It Does Not Protect Abortion WASHINGTON – Today, the National Right...

Dear Friends, Happening now! Ballots are out. Confused? Here’s what you need to know & how the Ref-90 works in Washington state: There are probably a lot of people who are confused – they don’t know how the ‘Reject Ref. 90’ thing works. We hope this explains. Please send...

My Friends, I would like to begin with a quick correction. An error occurred in sending out the last newsletter which resulted in only half of the newsletter being sent out. The topic was the excellent Summit of Grace event, which deals with the abortion recovery ministry. Abortion recovery...