
WA will most likely be moving toward eliminating ALL personal/philosophical exemption power for parents. We know that fetal cells are used in some vaccines and this is a growing problem....

Our closest cultural cousin, Oregon is a bell-weather to harmful bills assuredly headed to Washington, such as one bill in particular which increases the number of ways lethal drugs can be administered....

Although this bill is at first glance a slight deviation from our single issue, it is vitally important for HLW to speak up against the promulgators of this bill and harmful curriculum from the nation’s largest abortion provider. HLW is fighting this horrible “value chain”...

This is a good “statement” bill; the Abolitionists in WA want to try to push this forward and it’s their issue; we need to be careful about the association with the Abolitionists because they are determined to also punish the mother who has the abortion...

5395: Comprehensive Sexual Education died this session, but there’s a workgroup during the interim. OSPI will create the workgroup; *BUT* this was also a WIN because it brought SO MANY people out of the woodwork; we have set a FIRE and we need to keep...